It’s a rainy April day.
Kevin nags to go outside,
but Mom knows this means extra work
mopping wet muddy floors,
making a hot lunch to warm cold bones,
and a dryer load of wet Kevin.
But Kevin wails on
and, in spite of diversion
with TV cartoons,
and that fishing show he likes;
whining insistence wins,
and Kevin gets his way.
Flannels under the yellow slicker,
warm socks, and rubber boots,
with admonition to not “go crazy,”
splashing in mud puddles,
Kevin is sent out, warned to heed
“Kevin, it’s time to come in.”
Quickly, Kevin’s world just opens up
like nearby tulips just straining to bloom.
The rain makes ping ping ping on his rubberized jacket,
and Kevin immediately “goes crazy,”
jumping in the first big enticing mud puddle.
Ah, yes; freedom !
His smile grows when he sees Kimberly Caseman
just down the street, all resplendent in flowery pink rain poncho,
her blond ringlets under a hoodie, in turn under a Dora hat.
She struggles with her umbrella trying to hold on
as she does “double Dutch” to swings
of rope twirled urgently by Cece and Ellie .
Kevin’s vision narrows to Kim’s coquettish smile
as she sees Kevin and gets caught in twisting rope.
Kevin sees his opportunity and immediately
makes grand splashes in a particularly inviting puddle,
drawing the girls all into a conga line of puddle splashing,
to many girly giggles, and secret satisfaction by a posturing Kevin.
But Kim and Cece and Ellie quickly
lose interest in this boyish diversion,
and leave to stroll down and watch
through the rivulet drawn-upon beauty shop window,
as salon women inside go through harried rigors of fashion,
being washed, pulled, wrapped, and combed.
Kevin has lost his audience,
and puddles have lost their fascination.
That rain is really getting cold,
so Kevin goes in,
knowing Mom has hot soup
and dry clothes.
With promise of more rainy days,
for now, inside, with his fishing show;
just looking outside the rain spotted window,
and with maybe a nap under the warm sofa throw,
are all just cool enough for Kevin,
spending the rest of this rainy spring day.