Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Soft Spot

Soft Spot

Let me feel your kitten paw
against my neck                                                       
Let me see the peach blush
radiate from your cheeks
Let me hear your oak leaf rustle
tickle my eardrums
Let me taste your oven-fresh bread
melting  in my mouth
And let me join you
so we float
through a haze
of  dancing candle shadows
in jasmine scented nights
I will tell you stories
of castles built on mountains

 I will show you winter nights
wrapped warm in pouffy spun clouds
I will touch your soul
with caress of a fledgling feather

I will feed you unending morsels of laughter
to nourish your being

 And if all these things happen
even in the sweet flicker of an instant
I will open that deepest part of me
and allow you to hold it in your hand

-Jerry Wendt 2013


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