Friday, May 12, 2017

Margo and Tilly

Margo and Tilly

Large as a two year old
they sat upon the
hob nail beige chenille bedspread
two home-sewn Raggedy Ann style dolls

Only there was no Andy,
just two similar girls,
Margot and Matilda,
“Margo and Tilly” 

They wore black yarn pigtails
and gingham pinafores.
I could play with them
but they had to stay on the bed.

Many times I would crawl up,
a silly seven year old,
and cuddle and fall asleep
with Margo- my favorite.

It was disclosed many years later
asking Mom why she was so sad
every October,
and she finally told me.

Before me there were twins;
girls- I was told were perfect beauties,
but they were premature
and lived only two weeks.

Mom was deeply grieved
but a couple years later went forward
and birthed me
probably why I was so cherished a gift

So I am sure to this day
that those big rag dolls on her bed
were her remembrances of my sisters
Margo and Tilly  

-Jerry Wendt 2017

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