Friday, June 16, 2017

The Fabulous Lillian LaDeaux

All feathered and laced
quite strategically placed
as every girl knew
it was all in the view
for such was the trade of our fabulous Lillian LaDeaux 

Those boys far from home
knew Lillian’s aplomb
as she strutted her stuff
baring barely enough
truly studied finesse of Lillian Ladeaux

With her generous buxom
they wanted to reach out and pluck some
as LaDeaux bumped and ground
to the joint’s raucous sound
She loved the attention, our Lillian LaDeaux  

With a smile on her painted face
She charmed the whole place
And sent them into ecstasy
with frenzied intensity
all part of the charm of Lillian Ladeaux

They’d stand at the bar
four deep for our star
for the briefest glimpse
they fawned like limp wimps
it was all in apt admiration of Lillian Ladeaux

Dear La Deaux was a power on stage
but it wasn’t primarily her wage
for Lillian always left them below wanting more
but not on the second floor
Where there was barter for the “all” of Lillian Ladeaux

Alas, ladies of certain age
have trouble on stage
in flaunting their stuff
trying to give them enough
It was the end of her run,  Dear Lillian Ladeaux

That day poor Lillian was forced out
no more audience left to shout
But you can still go meet her
She’s now "Lil," the local Walmart Greeter
So that is the end of the fabulous Lillian Ladeaux

-Jerry Wendt 2017


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