Tuesday, December 17, 2013




On The Trail-Winslow Homer- watercolor
Rustling poplars bracket lapping lakes,

afterschool Girl Scout cookies and Hershey frosted cakes.

Hosing away paper wasp nests,

smelling sweet purple mimeograph tests.


On the field running track,

with Football team center going wide and back.

Watching Hot dogs steaming frost clouds at games

while home team scoreboard posts zeros in frames.


Passing notes in study hall class,

Failing to remember molecular mass.

Painting sets for ambitious plays,

holding studyhall book, daydreaming for days.


The last of tomatoes ripened in sun,

fruits of summer all jarred up and done.

Ginghamed windows greet smells of burning leaves

while  crunchy ones gather in gutters and eaves.


Store windows painted with goblins and ghouls,

Getting lectured on smart ants and grasshopper fools.

Fields filled lumpy with orange ripened spheres,

delighted at delivery of Christmas wishbook Sears.


Leaving porchlight on to help costumed feet,

hoping against popcorn balls for a real candy treat.

Some ritzy one gave us real dimes,

As we falter, mask-blinded some of the times


Slippy slidey into winters grasp,

soon snow will come blinding and fast.

Streets clog with tempers aflair.

Kids whoop in play and elders just stare.


Fall is more than just transition

Halloween, not just superstition

Blocks here build strong wall,

stalwart forever; memories of Fall.

-Jerry Wendt 2013

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