Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I Live


Andrew Wyeth- Christina's World
I live to smell new mown grass;

a bountiful buffet for a blanket of feeding birds.

I live for winter’s storms,

beauty in bleakness.

I live for hugs

friends warmth affirming me.

I live for  memories;

sustaining reminders of travels taken.

I live for parades;

celebrating what doesn’t matter.

I live for times alone

to ponder upon myself.

I live for writing

giving others my gift of feeling.

I live for compliments

recognition of my singular place on this planet

I live for seasons

never ending changes to all around me

I live for routine

reassuring matrix to facing change.

I live for a good book

transporting me away from the everyday.

I live for you

because every vessel needs filling.

 I live for me

for every life needs living.


-jerry wendt 2013

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