Sunday, May 10, 2015


Gum on my sole, Gum on my sole, Gum on my soul

But those chickens don’t stop  trying to ride my bicycle,

their claws grasping at too-wide pedals.


Marie sits by herself in her corner.

She sees everything

but allows for nothing to go on behind her.


That tree next to the big window,

the one with arms trying to grab birds as they fly by,

I think is full of purple worms .


Sometimes smoky things are up by the ceiling.

They float and whisper and observe evil things.

Eating cake with frosting on birthdays helps.


People cry at the silliest things

just because I wanted to see how far

your chair would push down the hall.


My daughter is coming today,

Something’s are for sure, I think

I don’t know why they keep me here.


Damn gum on my sole.
-Jerry Wendt 2015

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