Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Current Events

One drop
falls from the eye of a mother

grieving that her young son is dead

at the hands of a cop who says

his dark skin was not the issue.


One drop

spilt from a plastic gallon ladle

of a Navajo woman in New Mexico stretching

one of 7 allotted for cooking cleaning and coffee for a whole week

because a nation forgot to care for its own.


One drop

From the brush of a apple cheeked Iowa lad

scrubbing his prized 4H Heifer that no one will notice

because they are so involved watching a rich man drop from the sky

with promises that even an Aztec God would envy.


One drop

mopped from the brow of a smoke jumper

Loaded with 40 pounds of heavy gear

spading earth in 100 degree heat to protect

 the 3rd generation home of a Washington family.


One drop

molecule of the simplest hydrogen and oxygen

Most bounteous and precious

binder to our very being

twining us all together.

-Jerry Wendt 2015

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