Saturday, August 1, 2015

I Know You Now

I didn’t know you then,

certainly didn’t invite you in,

and was innocent to your plans.

You had no morality,

you just snuck in my door

found a home and moved in.


You violated me

Intimately invaded my core

and had no intention of leaving

until you left me decimated and useless

helpless to your ongoing rape

heedless of wasting away to death.


You are a bully

disregarding all my plans

you tried to control me,

sneaky at first and then boldly

you asserted your command

overwhelming and ravaging me.


But I prevailed.

I had friends

who stood beside me

and very learned people

who knew your ugly ways.

They had weapons to bear upon you.


A battle ensued,

I was worn thin,

every sinew of my being stretched

beyond what I thought possible.

I tried to become whole again

to heal what you brought upon me.


Now I think you have left

I hope not just hiding .

I still live with memory

of your hideous crime.

 I am ever wary of your veiled ways,

forever scarred from your vicious intrusion.


I overcame being afraid.

I am proud that I fought and won. . .so far.

If there is to be another battle I am ready

I no longer fear speaking your name,


I know you now.




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