Monday, September 14, 2015

Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:   (Published NW Herald Sept 6, 2015)

Avant-garde phony intellectuals among us stridently defend a man’s right to “become” a woman while coldly trivializing the sale of an intact fetal cadaver, justifying that savage butchery with hollow rhetoric spinning the indefensible as “women’s health.” Josef Mengele, Margaret Sanger and Kermit Gosnell serve proudly on the board of directors of that twisted mindset, totally void of a moral compass or hint of conscience.

Even the most staunchly devout agnostic/atheist thinkers subscribing to an ordered social fabric acknowledge the despicable/destructive nature of this sort of sick existence. Let’s hope so, because the overwhelming majority of so-called God-fearing Americans across the fruited plain cower in fear, somehow duped into believing they remain forever powerless to reverse and soundly defeat a willful insanity destined to destroy a once great nation.

William G. Parrot

To The Editor:  ( Published NW Herald Sept 14, 2015)

William Parrot (“Argument indefensible,” Sept. 6) once again has fallen in love with his own multi-syllabic, obscure words – words about as clear as Wallace Stevens’ poetry.

From me, Parrot’s letter gets an “F” for supplying insufficient facts to support an unclear thesis.

However, if it is his intent to rant against legal abortion in the U.S. and also against the use of the resultant cells for research, then I have some very clear advice for him:

If you object to Roe v. Wade, then work to repeal it; that is, unless you are simply a windbag that blows across the U.S. every four years during presidential elections. Better yet, begin lecturing your heterosexual counterparts on abstinence. Thus, no sperm and egg will have a chance to meet and create that sticky problem to which, I think, you refer.

I know that it takes two to tango; but, for eons, women have led in the “saying-no” dance. Now, Mr. Parrot, if you and other men will take your turn on the floor and are successful in simply saying, “No,” problem solved as far as I can tell.

Jan Bosman


Published Comment

just folks 5ptsFeatured
50 minutes ago-
Ms Bosman writes a very cogent and succinct response to Mr Parrot, who evidently has conduit to the  thinking of all "avant garde intellectuals," or "devout agnostics.."  Perhaps Parrot , like Kim Davis, hears voices from a higher plain .  I have no voices to guide me, but I can recognize the smell of bullshit. 

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