Saturday, January 23, 2016

Pollution In The Air

Pollution in the Air

Atlanta doyenne Gladys Patterson  remarks  to her fellow Morehouse University alumni  club members that the new escort Dr Samuel Jefferson brought to the club dance was much too dark to be considered serious wife material for a person of his standing.

Agnes Kaminski is very upset that her roommate Iris shamelessly flirts with the nursing home’s  interns, who are 40 years her junior, for God’s sake.

Thomas Peter tells his husband Walter he was disgusted to see transvestites hugging right at the bus stop on La Cienega yesterday.  They give gays a bad name.

Paddy O’Flanagan is inflamed that some of  those Syrian refugees are coming to settle in his little Boston suburb to cause terrorism.

Peter Castroanetto takes two extra Zanax with an Oxycontin kicker to calm himself hearing that his state of Illinois is considering the legalization of marijuana.

Muriel Stein allows that Idiri Gumesh doesn’t belong on the hospital board because she looks too ethnic for benefactors to take her seriously.

There is a burial today in Saudi Arabia for Sukesh Amanababa who was legally killed by her husband for telling him she didn’t want to be beaten anymore.

The Scott family on their way to Thanksgiving in Wisconsin laughed that the stupid deer lying beside the highway didn’t make it across the road in time .

The Chair and named partner of Novak, Novak, and Adams lets it known  they will never consider a  female partner  as long as he at the helm.

Kim  Jong-un, the Premier of North Korea thinks himself entitled to kill those that disagree with him.

Heather Romano is sad that she cannot accept Darryl’s prom invitation because she is afraid her girlfriends will make fun of her in a prom dress saying she looks like a “stuffed sausage.”

The EPA must be derelict in not developing laws of  protection  for cleaning this out of the air we breathe, because there is nothing I can do about it,


-Jerry Wendt

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