Sunday, March 11, 2018

Movies of the Mind

Dreaming wide
Wyoming mesas brown with sagebrush
spiked with green prickley cactus.
Galloping paints saddled by
buckskin cowboys
with hats, bright red neck kerchiefs
and Colt six-guns in tooled holsters.

Dreaming deep
ocean Porpoises
punctuating staccato surface breaches
over vast vistas of blue
under billowy clouds
shielding dennisons below
from Heavens bright eyes.

Dreaming Done
amist garish lights
and a mist of blue/green scrubs
hovering over with tubes and wires
and the ever shorter bursts
of beeps
and creeping cold.

That last extra fentanyl
to better span the pain between daylights
shut down the projector  

                                                                                                               -Jerry Wendt 2018
                                                                                                                                Title graphic by the author 

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