Thursday, May 3, 2018

This Itch

Unwelcome, inopportune and insidious
it launches attack, immediately demanding attention.
Not the variety borne by a healing wound,
Not the tangent of an insect bite or sting,
Not caused by a allergic reaction to a shot,
Nor poison Ivy,
Nor nervous tension,
Or even coarse fabric,
It’s totally random and inexplicable,

This itch

Always demanding attention
at an inconvenient time and place,
comfortable in bed on cold winters’ night,
driving through a torrential rain,
riding a roller coaster,
speaking before a large audience, 
carrying both arms full of groceries,
during the culmination of  intimate pairing,
or even hands full of grunge and grease,
but always and ever an insistent aggravation-

This itch

Vexing and tormenting
from an unreachable zone
under an armpit,
the upper center back,
the bottom of the heel,
in the crotch,
behind an eye,
between toes,
inside a nostril,
even fleeting transitory locations-

This itch

At first there is the thought,
“It’ll go away,”
resulting in stoic endurance.
But, it doesn’t ; testing resolve,
commanding full attention,
and diverting any effort
to think about anything else;
vexing, annoying, interrupting,
with an ever-growing demand to action
It does NOT just “go away-”

This itch

So , first, comes the doomed-to-failure hand attempt,
stretch, reposition, contortion- all no damn good.
Then, rubbing against a hard object,
fidgeting in the car seat, rubbing on a door sill,
a tree trunk, the chair back, a wall.
Getting out of warm bed to attempt a reach,
trying to be nonchalant in front of an audience,
availing use of a shoe, a kids toy, spatula, yardstick,  or an umbrella...
or even that bamboo back scratcher you saved from a vacation tropical drink.
Oh, this torment, it’s getting unbearably worse-

This itch

Finally, Finally,
in desperation, the spot is reached and comes earnest “s-c-r-a-t-c-h.”
Oh Joy, oh Heaven, oh glorious splendid relief.
There is revel in ingenuity, smugness at victory.
Thoughts can finally turn elsewhere
The battle is won.  Victory !
The mind goes on reset
the body repositions in sweet bliss.
Oh God, Jesus, Mary , NO,- it has struck again !-

This Hell -sent itch !

jerry wendt 2018

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