Tuesday, January 14, 2014

40 Years in 40 Lines

40 Years in 40 lines


We remember you, Christopher Bowman;

                      Christopher Bowman

         March 30, 1967 – January 10, 2008

Now as a spotlight on an empty stage.

But you came to us burning,

a white hot comet

streaking across expanses of endless ice,

masquing ego with barely

constraining training,

exuding youthful athleticism.

Nurtured by the best, feeding off media,

you flashed into national theater

at only 16

and onto the world stage as

an Olympian at only 21.

When choreography restricted,

you threw off those bindings

and grasshopper jumped rampant for us.

We were frenzied

with your heady exuberance

and raw capability.

Coronation heralded “Bowman the Showman”

as you became enamored with fame,

driven by ovation,

and bedazzled with awards.
But this lover was fickle

straying from you

at only 25.

You weren’t blameless.

When applause started fading,

the void filled with a new suitor.


You tried often to renew your

vows to skating,

but your other siren beguiled you

to your end in a byway L.A. motel room

at only 40.

Christopher; there was just too much inside

to be contained.

With all your training

you never learned how to

manage that.

-Jerry Wendt 2014


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