Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Faded Summer Shirt

A Faded Summer Shirt


A faded summer camp shirt

jolts me into kaleidoscope

of random memories;

Box Elder bugs  appearing from nowhere,

as quickly gone without carcass.

Milestone birthday of  dear friend

is but wispy spector

while an unknown 9-11 jumper

 is as defined as  newly imprinted fabric.

My church confirmation

remains a faint unlifted stain

that quickly segues to a rollercoaster

ride with teenage girlfriend, her laughing face

residing in mind’s brightly lit front window.

How and why is this show

impervious to the clot of logic ?

My shirt glimpses from

closet back corner

making it clear to me,

“I’m not done with you yet.”


-Jerry Wendt 2013

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