Dark visitor from

shielding secrets of the seeded earth,
charred velvets of candle soot
on walls where even shadows no longer fall.
Weeping stone cold tears where
spiders weave in musty vaults
holding discarded memories
and the sacred repository of shame
and sorrow.
Loss languishes here, unfettered,
seeping ever again into parlor presence
like a noxious odor
commanding attention
and lingering
with no respite or respect.
Unwanted creeper:
leave me to my attic of sweetened sorrows,
service to sunsets and warm blankets
and children’s laughter packed lovingly in
trunks full of lavender and handwork,
gilded trinkets, dried flowers, and
sunbeams wrapped in crinkly paper.
Careful treasures stored in
fragrant, ordered spaces.
Resented interloper
intruding upon my paid for spaces;
leave and take your jagged messes.
At least knock on the door
when you take your visits
unwanted and requisite.
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