Monday, July 22, 2013

A Wedding Dedication- Sun and Water

Sun and Water: On Life, Love & Laughter


Be thou with a sun

and be also with the water

As the rain permeates staunchest roof and trickles deep into the ground

And the sun reaches into every tiny crack .

And confronts the rain by drying it and drawing it to itself

Only to form clouds that obscure its brightest beams


Together they are the fun of a rainbow.


Awash in the flow of light and of fluid

Feeling warmth and cold; wet and dry

Knowing the adversity of wet and cold

The comfort of warm and dry.


You can be conscious and yet not understanding.


For there is beauty in the stars and emotion in an ocean

But there is equal wonder in seeing a glimmer of light

reflected in the drop of water suspended upon a spiders web.

Let your eyes see beyond the pictures at an exhibition.


Own your time and each dawn will mount greater meaning


Nature will take care of itself to your doing or undoing

Take the sun and water each into yourself to be more with

The flow and the ebb.  The light and the dark.

As encompassing as an ocean.  As dependable as the dawn of the next day.


There is more comprehension in a laugh than in a lifetime of study


As you accommodate each other as do the sun and the water

Revel in each drop of water for it makes Your ocean

And each glimmer of sunlight is Your hope for the dawn of tomorrow.

Think of life  together not as a journey.


Life is the destination


Then you shall have Love as much as there are raindrops in ocean or stars in galaxies.

And while you will know the torrent of a storm tossed sea

And the blinding brightness of a midday sun,

It will mean less than the glisten of a single tear from your lovers eye.


Be thou with a sun

and be also with the water.

- Jerry Wendt

Dedicated to Gianna and Tim Galeba
On occasion of their wedding  St John, V.I April 26, 2005

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