Resplendant in shields of red and gold
caretakers walk armored in piety
using The Cross as shield,
not as symbol,
casting aspersions on the perceived
falterings of their flock.
Temples of granite and glass
feed the majesty of words
while ignorant hearts go hungry,
just silently kneeling within;
mere mortal sepulchers
berift of soul.
A young one
whimpers in discomfort
at hard benches and loud words,
Storing all in memory
and tagging it faith
remembered in lifetime aversion
The moneychangers got back inside
and the sentinels don’t notice
or are too busy with a clenched grasp
on silk ribbons cinching their purses,
hope, charity, and faith,
leaving that
to disenfranchised Sisters to sort.
-Jerry Wendt 2013
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