Saturday, July 20, 2013

Cherry Bombs- published in 2013 "Voices" literary arts publication

My 2013 Voices publication Link to "Voices 2013" Literary Arts Publication

Cherry Bombs

I got up today sure I could write    


to save the world

or at least make it take notice,

 but  got distracted by a cherry turnover.                                              

I never saw any tree these cherries grew on

nor  laborer that picked them.

Did he know the power they held;

how they could thwart destiny.

So many of  them blended into red

dots in  green clumps

that defer to even the gentlest breezes.

How do they contain this force,

 these shiny little pliant plumpnesses

shrouded in pastry houses by stoic bakers,

and eulogized in plasticene coffins

on supermarket islands.

If I am to preside as mystic priest

of comprehension

why do I just think

only how good they will taste.

-Jerry Wendt 2012

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