Monday, July 22, 2013

Coming Back = a writing exercise

Coming Back


I’m sooo lazy.  I want to have people wait on me hand and foot. I want to be coddled.  I want to go where and when I want. When I travel, it has to be first class, with my own lounge, including regular tidbits to keep hunger from intruding on my journey.

I want to avoid inclement weather, always have temperature modified to my comfort, and be furnished comfortable places to recline;  places that are soft and supple. Only the finest pillows and throws.

You may love me,  but don’t expect  me to love you back.  Some days I may deign to lavish my attention on you. Others, I’ll  disown and avoid you, no matter how pleading you become.

I want my own chef to prepare my meals and present them at appointed time every day. I adore fish and wish my diet to have plentiful portions of it. If you are not listening to me, you may find I am very quick in rejecting your ill advised meal.  Perhaps a bit of warm milk at bedtime could ameliorate your transgressions.

I can think of no better way to spend my days than lying around, thinking pensive thoughts, basking in the sun.  I will not entertain your chatter and may feign sleep rather than listen. 

Do not misconstrue my independence as a need  for company, providing a companion. I detest dogs and refuse to share my domicile with any.   It’s ME and you for better or worse, and I’ll decide which is which.

You may amuse me at my leisure. I love skittering things and motion. Play delights me. Just don’t try to drag it on. I do have a limit to my indulgences.

Yes, I’m coming back as a cat.  An old lady’s cat.  And I’ll take care of my own hygiene.

No bathing, thank you very much !

- 2012 Jerry Wendt 310 words
This was an exercise on writing on what you would come back as in another life... and do it in 300 words

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