Sunday, July 21, 2013

Love Is Hard

                                                Love is Hard  a melodramatic poem

The vampire reels;                               

falls to the floor

staked in the heart,

yet lives to implore:


"It’s a life without love,

a time passed alone

to walk this broad earth

blank pages in tome.


My fate was long chosen,

she died decades ago.

I stayed to remember

bearing life very slow.


Now I am done

my life empty and scarred.

would I never to do over

because Love….

Love is hard."
-Jerry Wendt 2011
I wrote this to be read aloud and delight in doping that, dramatically emphasizing the drama.  Children don't understand the pathos, but they love the reading, especially the last  "Love..... Is HARD !"  (grasping chest as flailing fall.)  So much fun in this morbid tale - JPW

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