Friday, July 19, 2013

I found I have accumulated quite a few poems in the past years so I decided  to put them somewhere to be read.
Summer Symphony
Mourning Dove
Sounding sadness over dew-wet 
melancholy dawns
bringing embrace to
failings and frailness
allowing me to release
House Finch
Melodiously  atwitter in the apple tree
in a backdrop of cotton clouds and rustling breezes
keeping all abreast of who’s where
issuing proclamation of territory
comforting me in continuum
Trilling shrill over your field domain
of Queen Anne’s lace and milkweed
punctuating my hazy summer afternoons
with familiar tones
anchoring me to place and being
Imperious and divisive rasping
heralding reality from a power line
bringing me back to now
and days duties where
stalwart purpose shatters frail poignancy
Bouncing back, fingers are poised for another keyboard excursion.
-Jerry Wendt 2013

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