Sunday, July 21, 2013

Blue Bandanna

Blue Bandanna

Images of Multitudes:

Million Man March in Washington , Ghandi’s followers in Delhi, Hitler’s Stormtroopers in Berlin, Roman Legions,  and now Korean soldiers on review.

Familiar  oceans of  humanity

berift of nourishing drink.

I don’t know any

Roosevelts,  Darpooshes, Sigfrieds  Ancillios or Sungs.

 I content myself

With the crocus that splashes out from a field of winter gray

Or Jan or a Mike or Diane hugging me.

Sweet sustenance.

Maybe I wear a yellow bracelet

Or a pink ribbon

as  reminder of the many

But, sometimes I just wear a

blue bandanna

because it makes me feel good.

Imagine if everyone wore one.    
                                                                              -Jerry Wendt 2013

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