Friday, July 19, 2013

St Elmos fire

St. Elmo’s Fire

Let banshee wind,                                                        

 pelting torrent,

and tumult of  angry sea

rid your mind

of any toy-store cuddly.

This Elmo of mariner tales

would purpose prayer

if thought could be found twixt

 efforts to tiebind-safe ship

against feral sirens of Poseidon’s lair

beckoning straining timbers and rigging to bottom rest.

Ghostly blue aura shrouds mist-veiled crew

chilling bones and rifting reality.

Dancing, almost palpable other-world spectres

shadow tie to earthly bodies.

Ears crackle as eyes belie fear

glancing mastward to peaks of flame;

candles for some hell-sent party.

The vessel burns strange; cold; 

timbers unscathed,

only scorching deep inside storm-tossed souls of sailors

hopeful to live to tell tale

and find words to do it justice.

-Jerry Wendt 2013


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