Sunday, July 21, 2013

Thoughts on Norman Jean

Thoughts on Norma Jean


Lips alive;
 made to suckle nourishment.

 but no feel of Mother’s warmth.                                                                          


Lips discover;

posing for fame.

early tastes of worldly wonders.


Lips communicate;

photographic pouts.

marital kisses too much, too soon.


Lips define;

Beauty adorned.                                                                                         

idiomatic ignorance.                                                                   


Lips languish;

grasping at breath.

Desperate but unheard.


Lips                   ;

gray and pursed.

closed portals to a departed soul.


-Jerry Wendt 2012



The photographs are actually Norma Jean's lips as a child, at the height of her career, and in the morgue after her death.

Norma Jean Mortenson was born in the charity ward of a L.A. hospital in 1926.

She was shuttled around family members, foster homes, and orphanages until she was married off at 16. Her husband joined the Merchant Marines in the Pacific, so Marilyn made her living working in an aeronautical factory where a photographer discovered her beauty at the age of 19. Within literally months she was on the cover of many magazines and sought after by many film directors. Her hair became blond and her name became Marilyn Monroe.  A whirlwind career ensued. She was an international star. Two more, possibly three, unsuccessful marriages ensued and ended with no children. Marilyn bought her first home in Brentwood Hollywood in 1962 and, in that same year, was found dead in that home, alone, at the age 36. A probable suicide.  Her estate was fought over for 48 years. Her Brentwood home was finally sold in 2010. It is said that her early life made it impossible for her to form loving intimate relationships. She lived and died alone ...

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