Sunday, July 21, 2013

Clarity (Truth)



Before even memories

at the beginning

there were no times-tables

or responsibilities.

Truth stood silent guard.


In childhood I stole a comic book.

Mother’s prodding got my

admission of the transgression,

and she kissed me anyway.

Truth sweetened that kiss.


Four people in my life other than my Mother

told me they loved me.

I believed it twice

but they’re no longer around.

Truth gave me fortitude.


I saw an ancient shabby woman in a grocery

buying two cans of cat food with loose change.

I stopped and gave her a roasted chicken from my cart

and told her “Happy Birthday.”

Truth was pleased.


The oncologist closed his office door

to disclose that cancer

had a battle in store for  me.

Swirling thoughts stormed my being.

Truth focused resignation.


A hellish downpour clouded my vision.

All I saw were headlights of

a truck coming fast in my lane

too late for anything.

Truth took a final bow.

-Jerry Wendt 2013

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